The Enemy Is The Father of Lies

The Enemy Is The Father Of Lies

Wow!  This series of posts on Spiritual Warfare is getting much longer than I had originally intended.  For context, we’ve been considering a series of messages on this subject.  That’s the general theme of this series of posts.  Please see this link for the first one in the series.  One more post on getting to know your enemy.  The Enemy is the Father of Lies and misleading comments.

Jesus Called Attention to The Father of Lies

Take note with me of this challenging discussion had between Jesus and some of the Jewish Leaders.  It is found in John 8.

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

The Jewish leaders were trying to discredit Jesus, saying that Jesus’ testimony about himself isn’t legitimate, because he gives testimony about himself in his messages.  Jesus turns the accusation around on the Jewish leaders, saying that their claims aren’t  legitimate, even though they claim Abraham, and even God as the father of their faith.

The Lord makes it clear in his response that the enemy is the father of lies and so, they are not to be trusted.

The Impact of The Father of Lies and Misleading Statements

An article in Psychology Today lists several caustic results of lying in our most intimate relationships.

1. They block real intimacy with a partner.

2. They lead to cover-up lies and omissions that can be hard to remember.

3. The secret holder feels guilty, or at least uncomfortable, during intimate moments with the deceived person.

4. Honesty is valued as a moral norm, although the context and specifics may differ among cultures. 

5. This violation of our values not only leads to guilt; it also affects our self-concept.

6. Our ways of managing guilt and shame create more problems.

7. Not surprisingly, beyond mental distress, research reveals that lying leads to health complaints.

8. The victim of deception may begin to react to the avoidant behavior by feeling confused, anxious, angry, suspicious, abandoned, or needy.

The Enemy Is Behind It All

Remember that Psychology Today is not a Christian publication.  Yet, as people who specialize in relationships have shown, lies are destructive to human connection.  Jesus makes it clear that the Enemy is the father of lies and creates mistrust in relationships as a result.  Later in this blog, if I continue in this theme, we’ll look at the fact that the first piece of defensive armor listed in Ephesians 6 is the “belt of truth”.  In other words, the more we focus on the truth in our lives, living the truth and speaking the truth (in love), we will be rewarded with a life that is rich and full.  Connection with God and with other human beings will be enriched and enhanced.



Be committed to truth.  Jesus said that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  The more we choose the consequences of telling the truth, the better life will be.