Acts 2:17     “‘In the last days, God says,

I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your young men will see visions,

your old men will dream dreams. 

Christian Leaders Institute has made this effective preaching blog for you to grow in your preaching calling.

This blog is being migrated to the Christian Leaders Institute website for more global exposure. Some Articles will stay at this site until they are migrated.

Dr. Bruce Ballast leads this site. He will offer resources, commentary, links, blogs, and vlogs that will help you make your act of preaching not just thrown together, but an art portrait that touches the heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Bruce Ballast has been recognized as a preacher who has mastered both the techniques and the art of preaching ministry.

Looking for Free Ministry Training? Join Christian Leaders Institute today and start your classes. After you finish a getting started class, you are free to enroll in preaching and communication classes.

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The Preacher As Mystic and Shepherd

Mystic and Shepherd I am in a series of posts on the character of the preacher.  We’ve seen, in the previous two posts, that congregations expect their pastor to be a person of faith, and they want their pastor to give accurate information.   There are two other expectations that I want to explore in […]

The Preacher as Informer

The Preacher as Informer, Mystic, and Shepherd In the last post I began the process of what I called “exegeting the preacher”.  In other words, how does the character of the preacher impact how people hear what is said?  We also saw in the last post that hearers expect the preacher to be a person […]

Who You Are Impacts How People Hear What You Say

Look Who’s Talking In this blog I’ve looked at the various components of preaching, including effective introductions, good organization of the body, and impactful conclusions.  In other words, we’ve looked at the pragmatic stuff.  There is an old saying that to be successful in any endeavor you need three things: knowledge, character and skill.  One […]

Money Talks For Preachers


Stewardship Sermons We’ve been looking at how to talk about money in this series of blog posts.  Here’s a link to the first in this series.  Today we will look at some ways to approach preaching on this sticky subject of money under the theme of Money Talks for Preachers. Money Talks is the title […]

Positive Ways To Preach About Money

Positives In Preaching About Money Preaching about money is a challenge, as we’ve seen in the past few posts.  We’ve also seen that there are some pitfalls to avoid when you are dealing with this controversial topic.  There are positive ways to approach the subject of giving, including using humor, as in this cartoon.  In […]