The Conclusion Of A Great Sermon Brings It Home

The Conclusion of a Great Sermon Brings It Home We are considering what makes a great sermon.  In the last couple of posts we've looked the body of the great sermon, and the fact that the body of a great sermon holds attention and creates…

The Body of a Great Sermon Creates Pictures

The Body of a Great Sermon Creates Pictures In the last post we looked at the fact that the attention span is shorter now than it was a generation ago.  Media has impacted our ability to listen, and so, as we saw, a great sermon holds attention…

The Body of a Great Sermon Holds Attention

The Body of a Great Sermon Holds Attention The last two posts have focused on some general truths about introductions to great sermons.  Now we turn to the main body of the sermon.  The general truth here is this: the body of a great sermon…

Sermon Introductions For Great Sermons

Sermon Introductions For Great Sermons In the last post I made several generalizations about introductions to sermons.  In this post we will look at a few sermon introductions for great sermons of the type described earlier. An Example of…

Putting A Great Sermon Together

Putting A Great Sermon Together In the last few posts we've looked at the impact that sermons can have.  Now we're going to turn to the challenge of putting a great sermon together for your preaching event. I love this quote by Haddon Robinson,…