Try This Kind of Conclusion

Try This Kind of Conclusion In this post I'm going to continue reflecting on conclusions, a subject we started a couple of posts ago.  I'm going to give you some examples and encourage you to try this kind of conclusion in each case. End…

Conclude Effectively

Effective Conclusions We have been exploring the importance of conclusions in previous posts.  We've seen that there are many ways to do conclusions ineffectively.  In this post we are turning our attention to how to bring your sermon to…

Missing the Nail

Missing the Nail In the last post we began looking at the importance of conclusions to the sermon.  We reflected on two ineffective ways to conclude a message: the fail the plan and the "I'm out of time" conclusions.  Today we continue looking…

The Importance of Conclusions

Conclusions Are More Important Than You Think Quite awhile ago in this blog I looked at introductions in several posts, saying that introductions are more important than you think.  Here's a link to the first of the posts in that series.…

Using Pain in Preaching

Using Pain in Preaching One last reflection on how to preach while in pain.  We've been looking at this subject for the last few posts, and today we are going to consider using pain in preaching your sermons. Henri Nouwen has said, in his…

Preaching While In Pain

Preaching While In Pain We've been exploring the subject of how you go about preaching through pain that invades your life.  There are sources of pain that drain you physically, mentally and spiritually, and require that you learn the art…

How To Preach In Pain

How To Preach In Pain In the last post we began talking about the subject of preaching through pain.  Today we continue that discussion, but this time exploring how you do it.  Learning how to preach in pain is vital for every person who…

Preaching Through Pain

Preaching Through Pain Every pastor, at some time or another, is going to experience preaching through pain.  Imagine the following as your life.   You have moved to a new, larger venue for your growing church, and someone shouts "Fire" at…

Listening To The Listeners

Listening to Listeners Haddon Robinson taught preaching for many years at Denver Theological Seminary.  The title for this post is the title of  one of the chapters in his book, Making a Difference in Preaching.  Listening to listeners…

The Story Sermon

The Story Sermon There's one more kind of sermon that I want to explore before we leave our review of the various types of sermons that we can put in our preaching tool belt.  (Again, if you are new to this blog, the first in this series of…