Renewing Spiritual Energy

Renewing Spiritual Energy Through Worship and Serving

In the last post we considered how to renew your spiritual energy through being with people and through creation.  In this post we will explore how to go about renewing spiritual energy through worship and serving people.

The Worship Pathway to Renewal

There are seasons when ministry drains you.  As I reflected on this subject, I remember a time when I felt exhausted.  We were anticipating a building program and we had added another worship service (3 on Sunday morning, 1 in the evening).  In addition to that, there was the disagreement among the people about the right path to go for building, and even about the changes in worship times.   All that added to the normal stress and strains of shepherding God’s people.  I felt empty.  I got to the point where I my sleep was impacted because my mind was constantly whirling over decisions to be made, and as a result, every task seemed monumental.

Renewal through worship

Renewal began when I went to a conference on church leadership.  Tommy Walker and his CA band were leading worship for this gathering.  I remember their theme song: You’ve turned my mourning into dancing.  My spirits raised, and I lifted my hands high in the anticipation of that day when I would be dancing again.   The energy of the Holy Spirit began to fill those areas that had been emptied.  It was as if deposits were being made into my energy bank.

Tommy Walker

Renewing your spiritual energy through worship and serving can happen, but usually not in your own church.  My experience has been that when I’m in my own church, I tend to be evaluating everything that is happening.  When I attend another church or conference, the worship time can bring renewal in a different way.

This is not true for everyone.  However, for many people, this is one more way of renewing your spiritual energy when you are feeling drained.

Renewing Spiritual Energy Through Service

Another way to renew spiritual energy when you feel the drain after ministry is to choose to serve.  Some people feel closest to God when they are doing an act of service.   In the last church I served we had a  administrator who had been a high-powered executive prior to coming to us.  When he told people to jump at his company, they jumped.  Well, after an all-day staff and elder meeting for planning and prayer, I went back into the ministry center to get something I had forgotten, and there was this former executive, vacuuming the carpeting.  I went to him and thanked him for cleaning up, especially when we had a couple of janitors on staff.  I’ll never forget his response.  He said, “I choose to be a servant every chance I can get.  It helps me keep life in perspective.”

I’ve thought of those words often since then.  I choose to be a servant now, every chance I get.   Service can bring renewal, especially when it is doing a simple task that few will see or comment on.  For this to be part of renewing your spiritual energy you might try doing something you normally wouldn’t.  Remember that Jesus said that he came to be a servant, and that we should follow his example.

So, when you are drained, think of becoming a servant.  If you need more motivation, check out this blog from University College in London.  They give 10 reasons you should find a place to serve others and the benefits it gives to you.

As a treat, here is a worship service led by Tommy Walker during the pandemic.  Allow your heart to worship the Lord.