Preaching on the Names of The Enemy

Preaching on the Names of the Enemy

In the last post we reflected on knowing your enemy.  There’s another way to get to know the enemy.  Preaching on the names of the enemy will reveal something of how he works in our lives and in the world.  That will be the focus of this post.

The Enemy’s Name Is Satan

The name “Satan” means “Adversary”.  You find this name in Job 1:6-7 and I Thessalonians 2:18 as well as elsewhere.  This tells us something about how the enemy approaches us.  He works against all of God’s plans.  So, when you begin a new ministry, a new plan that will open the way for people to know who Jesus is and what He has done, expect pushback and difficulty.

The same thing could be said when you plan something that will enrich your own experience of Jesus.  For instance, try committing an hour to prayer and reflection.  I have found that the phone rings, or something in the house breaks down, or the kids or my wife need me right then.

When preaching on the names of the enemy the name Satan should be on the list of names that you include.

The Enemy’s Name Is The Devil

Another name that tells us something about the enemy is “the devil”.  You find this name in I Peter 5:8.  This name means that the enemy is a “slanderer”.  In other words, he will work through gossip that spreads rumors about God’s people or plans.  False witness about a servant is part of this.

Robert Whitlow

I just finished reading a novel by Robert Whitlow, a Christian writer.  Whitlow writes stories that describe how Christians live in the world.  In this novel, Double Indemnity, a pastor faces false accusations of murder.  I don’t know where he got the ideas for this story, but I suspect he knew of someone who went through something similar.  I know from working in the church for over 40 years now how destructive rumors can be to the faithful Christian leader and pastor.

Think about your own ministry experience.  Do you know people who faced something similar?  In my own experience there was a time when I was accused of “trying to build my own kingdom” rather than the Kingdom of God.  My motives came into question as we took some bold steps to reach more people for Jesus Christ.  In order to prove their case to their friends, the accusers twisted some things I had said.

When preaching on the names of the Enemy make sure you include this one.  He is the Devil.

The Enemy’s Name Is Lucifer

This name is found in Isaiah 14:12, and it could be translated as “shining one”, or “son of the morning”.  I suspect that you have seen pictures of the Enemy.  He is usually pictured as a red being with horns on his head and a pointed tale.  He carries a trident with which he supposedly attacks us.

The Bible, though, doesn’t picture him that way.  He doesn’t come most times as the presence of evil.  Rather, he is beautiful.

I think of a friend of mine who is an alcoholic.  When he began drinking he didn’t expect to end up having lost his home and his family.  He didn’t picture that he would be sleeping in his car in the dead of winter in the midwest.  Alcohol just made him feel good.  The friends with whom he drank initially just felt it was having fun, feeling good.

That’s how the enemy seduces us, as a “shining one”, or “being of light”.   You can see this in the story of The Fall in Genesis 3.  The Enemy presents the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and good, beautiful, desirable.  Know that this is the way he will treat you as well.

He is Lucifer.  Remember that when preaching on the names of the enemy.

There are many other names that we will consider in the next post.  For now, consider this portion of a sermon by Charles Stanley.