Preaching About Family Submission

Preaching About Family Submission We are in a series of posts that are intended to give you material to do a series of messages about family.  Here's the first in the series.  In this post we will explore preaching about family submission…

How To Overcome A Weak Foundation Sermon

How To Overcome A Weak Foundation Sermon In the last post we began to explore Joseph's weak foundations life, potentially keeping him from  a compelling, overcoming life.  This post is a follow-up to that post.  Here we consider a sermon…

Preaching On Overcoming A Weak Foundation

Preaching On Overcoming a Weak Foundation The last two posts have focused on how to preach a series of messages on the family in a creative way.  This post, preaching on overcoming a weak foundation is a continuation of that theme.    By…

How Not To Do Family

How Not To Do Family In the last post we started a consideration of preaching on the family.  Check it out before you read this post.  In this post we're going to consider how not to do family in your house.  A couple of caveats: first of…

Preaching About The Family

Preaching About Family We are turning in this post from the series about keeping the cross in the center of your preaching (here's the last one in that series) to preaching about the family in your church.  Many experts report that the nuclear…