The Holy Spirit Inspires the Word for Preaching

The Holy Spirit Inspires the Word for Preaching In the last post we saw that the Holy Spirit illuminates the Word that we preach.   In this post I want to take a step back and look at the reality that the Holy Spirit inspires the Word for…

The Holy Spirit Illuminates Our Preaching

The Holy Spirit Illuminates Our Preaching We are in a series of posts on how the Holy Spirit is involved in our preaching.  In the last post we considered how the Holy Spirit anoints us for preaching.  In this post we will explore how the…

The Spirit Anoints Us For Preaching

The Spirit Anoints Us For Preaching In the last post we began a consideration of the role of the Holy Spirit in Preaching.  We saw how Paul referred to the power in his preaching.  In this post we will consider how the Spirit anoints us for…

The Spirit's Role In Preaching

The Spirit's Role In Preaching This quote from John MacArthur stimulated my thought process this week as he talks about a mystery in preaching.   I don't know what it is the Holy Spirit is doing; I don't know when He's doing it and when…

Giving How-To's Keeps Sermons Out Of The Black Hole

Giving How-To's Keeps Sermons Out of the Black Hole We are considering how to keep your sermon out of the sermon sucking black hole.  In the last post we reflected on the second of four evaluation questions that reveal whether or not your…

Asking For A Response Avoids The Black Hole

Asking For A Response Avoids The Black Hole We are in a series of posts on how to avoid the sermon sucking black hole that makes people forget by Monday what they heard in church on Sunday.  In the last post I introduced the first question…

A Clear Purpose Avoids the Black Hole

A Clear Purpose Avoids the Black Hole In the last post we saw that the people who listen to you are the best critics of your message.  Are your messages hitting home?  If not, they will be  sucked up into the black hole of sermons on Monday.…

The Best Sermon Critics

The Best Sermon Critics We are considering how to avoid the great sermon sucking black hole.  In other words, how do we make our sermons memorable enough that they aren't forgotten by Monday Morning.  In this post we are going to ask the…

Avoiding the Sermon Sucking Black Hole

Avoiding The Sermon Sucking Black Hole In the last post I shared a memorable sermon--the 0nly memorable sermon--of one of my pastors during my childhood and youth.  In this post we will consider one of  the how-to's of avoiding the sermon…

Thinking About the Black Hole for Preaching

Thinking About the Black Hole For Preaching Since the last post, I've been thinking about the black hole for preaching as described in that reflection.  I think of two of the preachers from my own personal past.  I grew up in a very conservative…